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Michelle Korn


Michelle Korn
Last Active


  • Great to hear. Glad you are feeling better. I don't even know what Derealization is. Kudos to yourself LOL @Jessica - which meditation is she referring to? Do we have that in my course?
  • @Jessica - thanks for this.  Great exercises in the video. I hope I remember to do them.  Way too much homework in the course. LOL I'm trying to keep up. I'll start a new thread with some other questions. Thanks again Michelle
  • @Russell - yes, true enough.  I did learn about vibration from them, although I new about it before. I learned about the vortex, but I couldn't relate, but I think I finally got it. So you are correct, it's not like I didn't learn anything, but …
  • @Jessica - ahh, you seeeee, I just watched this video & this, beyond a shadow of a doubt, proves to me that thoughts aren't the only thing needed to change your situation. "Creating A New Model For Success - Video" Great video Jessica. :  ) Is…
  • Thanks for answering. So while I do agree that your "thoughts play a role," I just don't think that it's the ONLY aspect to this. And the only reason I was interested in your course was b/c you talked about the subconscious that no one else has ev…